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In today’s digital world, technology serves as a common language, a means to connect seemingly disparate goals and ambitions. Without computer abilities, it will be quite difficult for us to assimilate into today’s rapidly evolving society.

That’s why it’s a good idea to teach kids how to code so they can express their curiosity, grow their minds, and become more secure adults. However, it is debatable whether or not to introduce programming to kids at a young age. How does programming affect children’s development? Let’s read on to get the solution to that question.

What exactly is children’s television?

To construct an application, software, or even a simple computer game, programmers use many forms of code and programming languages. It’s a common misconception that only IT engineers and really skilled programmers are capable of doing complex programming.

However, children can learn programming thoroughly from an early age. Most children’s programming classes focus on elementary concepts like puzzles, shapes, movement, and system development. All lessons are combined into highly engaging games due to the fact that the challenge has been drastically decreased and is designed to be readily absorbed by children. Therefore, parents in many modern developed countries begin educating their children in this area at a young age.

The benefits of programming for children

Increase creativity

Numerous studies indicate that children can better absorb knowledge when presented with colorful graphics. Programming gives children several chances to interact with visuals, numbers, and language, stimulating their imaginations and promoting healthy brain growth. Programming provides access to a vast and endless new universe. Children can even operate their game according to their own preferences without being constrained in any mold. In addition, programming training frequently takes the shape of helpful and engaging games. Children will have time to play imaginatively without feeling pressured to memorize this lesson.

Practice self-discipline

Programming courses for kids often focus on systems. Well-organized lessons make it easier for children to understand and use the software. Children can then learn to organize their own schedules and activities. The value of discipline and organization can be demonstrated in your child’s lessons. While this isn’t something that can be fixed in a day or two, with time and practice, your child will be able to exercise self-discipline on their own.

Be active in life

Children have a natural ability to learn new things quickly and efficiently. Without adult supervision, a child can quickly master the use of sophisticated electronics like smartphones, tablets, etc. Children as young as three can use an iPad with ease; those as old as ten can construct elaborate Minecraft structures; and those as young as twenty may manage successful YouTube channels with millions of subscribers.

However, children are particularly vulnerable to digital addiction if parents do not implement acceptable interventions. Teaching children to code can have a profound effect on their outlook on technology. They will learn the pros and cons of technology when they have had a chance to use it for a while. At that point, you can draw wisdom from your past mistakes. As a result, parents are less likely to worry that their children will be addicted to technology devices.

Good professional opportunities

The field of information technology is currently one of the fastest-growing in the world. Sixty-seven percent of all STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) jobs are in the computer science and programming sector, according to data collected by Yet Computer Science graduates account for only 11% of all STEM degrees, leaving a significant skills gap in the industry.

STEM professions have expanded thanks to technological advancements. Children who cannot master technology will be at a disadvantage in the future. Allowing your child to start learning to code at a young age will give them an advantage over their peers in the job market and distinguish themselves from other applicants.

Học ngôn ngữ lập trình

Learn programming at OneSpace – A worthy investment for your future

Even though the quantity of children’s programs in Vietnam is no longer insufficient, it is still challenging to locate a high-quality program. The program must ensure that they provide specific benefits appropriate for the child’s level, are neither too challenging nor too easy, and generate the proper orientation for the child. Where, then, should children learn to program?

OneSpace is an excellent zone for children to develop their logical thinking, curiosity, and imagination skills. In order to fulfill its mission, OneSpace is dedicated to providing international Vietnamese youth with a well-rounded education in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), with a focus on technological literacy, computer science, and the four essential skills of the 21st century: critical thinking, reflective thinking, effective communication, and teamwork.

All programming courses for children use a personalized education approach. All lessons are aligned to each student’s level and learning ability. Therefore, parents do not need to worry that their children will fall behind their peers. One of OneSpace’s many unique features is that it is an online platform that makes learning to code for children more accessible and enjoyable than ever.

With the feature that allows 24/7 access, students can study, review and practice anytime, anywhere to improve their level. At the same time, the OneSpace system is also a place for parents to keep track of what their children have learned and applied from classroom lessons. After completing a course, parents may easily observe their children’s astonishing growth, not only in their ability to manipulate computers and programming tools but also in their capacity to think logically and sensibly.

OneSpace aims to prepare students with the crucial 21st-century abilities necessary for success in any future job: critical thinking, creative development, and idea presentation. Indeed, technology skills are indispensable to keep up with future technology trends.

Programming helps children stimulate creativity, logical thinking, initiative, and self-discipline and gives them more opportunities to choose their future passions. So you should consider your child learning programming early to firmly master the future!