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We are born with different innate talents. Some people are better at sports and coordination ability. Some people acquire language and words fast as a child, while the others are extremely sensitive to numbers and have a vivid imagination.

Therefore, if parents want their children to be special in a certain area, the best way is to find out the unique intellectual areas in which the children have an advantage, and then develop themselves in a direction based on their strong points. Let’s find out your children’s strengths through the article about eight types of intelligences below!

1. Spatial Intelligence

If your child possesses this intelligence, he/she is capable of thinking in an abstract and multi-dimensional way. Children have this ability to reason and form large spatial concepts, which is essential in fields such as architecture, graphic design, photography, interior design, and aeronautics.

Potential careers for children possessing this intelligence can be pilots, fashion designers, architects, doctors, painters, or engineers.

2. Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence

If the child possesses this intelligence, he/she is quite good at using his flexible body, physical ability and sports. As a kid, he/she has been very strong and really into sports.

Sometimes, even their parents will find themselves surprised by their kid’s level of flexibility and mobility. For this, parents can consider orienting their child to become a professional athlete or a talented dancer who can perfectly perform complex movements easily.

3. Musical intelligence

Musical intelligence is demonstrated when a kid has the ability to perceive and memorize sounds, rhythms, and melodies. Besides, the superiority of musical intelligence is also reflected in the ability to imitate sounds and to sing a song accurately in each note, tone, melody and timbre.

Famous people have their own musical intelligence, including Beethoven, Jimi Hendrix, and Aretha Franklin. Possessing this intelligence, your child can become a singer, music teacher, composer or a cool DJ in the future.

4. Linguistic intelligence

Verbal and linguistic intelligence is expressed in words, speech, or writing. Your child will be good at reading, and writing and love to tell stories as well as remember words and dates.

Children tend to learn better by reading, taking notes, listening to lectures, and through discussion or debates. With this intelligence, children will be extremely suitable for careers such as journalists, poets, novelists, editors, or lawyers.

5. Logical-mathematical intelligence

There is evidence that superheroes, with the ability to change the world, such as Albert Einstein and Bill Gates, possess logical-mathematical intelligence. They have a passion for developing equations, proving and solving abstract problems.

People owning this intelligence have the ability to analyze problems logically, or perform mathematical operations and delve deeply into problems scientifically. The best careers for such children are programmers, economists, mathematicians, and accountants.

6. Interpersonal intelligence

People with this intelligence are able to connect and integrate well with others, easily understand others’ emotions and moods as well as take the initiative in their relationships. They are able to break the ice in any conversation.

They are friends who are always willing to listen or a mediator in a relationship that is on the edge of the abyss. These people can be psychologists, negotiators, managers, and salespeople.

7. Intrapersonal intelligence

This group of people is quite sensitive to one’s own feelings, goals and anxieties. Intrapersonal intelligence is not particular to specific careers but rather a goal for individuals in a complex modern society, where one has to make consequential decisions for oneself in the future, and always accept its consequences whether they are good or bad.

8. Naturalist intelligence

Everyone has the ability to understand the nuances in nature, including the distinction between plants, animals, and other elements of nature and life. They are always in harmony with nature and enjoy farming, exploring nature and learning about creatures.

They will love camping, gardening, exploring the world and their potential career choices will be farmers, botanists, florists, biologists or gardeners.