05 Reasons Why Children in the Technology Era Should Learn Programming Early

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In advanced educational systems (such as Japan and Australia), programming is a mandatory subject starting in elementary school. Parents prioritize encouraging their children to learn programming early to prepare them with a solid foundation for the future. So, should Vietnamese children also learn programming from a young age?

Computer programming (commonly referred to as programming) involves using “specialized” tools to give instructions to a computer or electronic device to perform specific actions. Programming consists of commands and algorithms with varying degrees of complexity.

Learning a programming language can open up new career opportunities or lead to higher salaries. Consequently, programming is currently one of the most sought-after fields. This is why many parents are now investing in early programming education for their children.

However, this issue has sparked much debate. Some argue that children should not learn programming early because it requires complex logical thinking that only adults can understand and learn. Thus, teaching programming to children is seen as impractical and overly stressful.

On the other hand, some believe that understanding technology’s essence helps children use programming products safely, supports their learning, and better meets their life needs. Therefore, early programming education is considered essential for children.

Here are five benefits of learning programming early for parents to consider and decide what suits their child’s abilities and interests.

1. Five Benefits of Children Learning Programming Early

Developing Critical Thinking: Writing code transforms a person from a computer user to a creator and designer of computer systems. Programming teaches children patience, critical thinking, and empathy by focusing on user experience.

Building a Solid Foundation for the Future: The digital age demands proficiency in computer science and programming skills. Professionals in this field are always in demand due to its unique nature. Equipping children with programming skills now will prepare them well for the future, turning these skills into a promising career.

Learning a New Language: The special formulas of 0 and 1 in programming languages reveal how the technology around us works. This is the best way for children to understand technological and engineering operations. Some known programming languages include Python – the most loved programming language, JavaScript – a popular programming language, and C/C++ – a famous programming language.

Boosting Problem-Solving Confidence: A programmer needs to see a big problem and break it down into smaller parts to solve it effectively. If the first solution doesn’t work, children will need to find alternative solutions, thus developing their problem-solving skills.

Stimulating Creativity: Children learn programming to bring their ideas to life through personal projects. The characters and challenges in game design are based on children’s rich imaginations. This continuous creative thinking helps children develop their creativity every day.

2. How Parents Can Help Children Learn and Develop Programming Skills?

Discuss Technology and Programming with Children: Parents should share how the past, present, and future are changing and why technology and programming are important for the future. This helps children learn more through the use of technology and programming languages.

Guide Children to Participate in Programming Courses: At home, familiarize children with and practice programming courses together. Learning with parental involvement helps children pay attention and quickly grasp the knowledge being taught.

Encourage Independent Learning: Children may find it more challenging than adults to engage with new goals and games. Encourage children to explore programming at their own pace. Parents and teachers can help but should emphasize developing self-learning skills.

Choose a Quality Programming Learning Environment for Children’s Future Development

In Vietnam, technology education is emphasized with various rich options. To best prepare, children should learn in a quality teaching environment with a digital learning platform tailored to each student’s pace.

chương trình trải nghiệm công nghệ miễn phí

The “1 HOUR OF FUN” program by OneSpace proudly meets these criteria with an internationally standardized learning environment. The lessons are novel and beneficial, enabling children to approach programming in the most natural and exciting way. For more detailed information about “1 HOUR OF FUN,” click here!